Children learn about the origin and meaning of the Christmas festival

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Bé tìm hiểu về nguồn gốc, ý nghĩa của lễ hội Giáng sinh


Christmas is one of the major traditional festivals of Western countries. But today this festival is commonly celebrated in most countries around the world. In Vietnam, the Christmas festival is also of interest to many people, especially young people. However, not everyone clearly understands what Christmas is, the origin and meaning of Christmas? Parents and children are invited to refer to the article below to answer questions.

What day is Christmas?

Christmas is a religious festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. This holiday is also known by other names such as Christmas, Christmas (from the French word Noël, abbreviated from the root Im-manu-el, meaning God is with us) or Christmas. , X-mas...

What day is Christmas?

Christmas Day is officially held on December 25 of the solar calendar every year, called the "main day", however many activities to welcome Christmas are held the night before, that is, the 24th. /12, called "vigil ceremony". Because according to Jewish beliefs, sunset is the moment to start a new day, not dawn.

In 2022, Christmas holidays will fall on Saturday (December 24) and Sunday (December 25).

Origin of Christmas holiday

Most Christians believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the Jewish province of Judea. At this time, Israel was under the rule of the Roman Empire between 6 BC and 6 AD.

Therefore, Christians have chosen December 25 every year to celebrate the birthday of the religious leader, whom they believe is God coming to earth as a human. There are also many other explanations about the origin of Christmas such as:

- According to Isaac Newton, Christmas was chosen as the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, falling on December 25.

- In 1743, Paul Ernst Jablonski (German) argued that Christmas is December 25 to match the festival honoring the sun Dies Natalis Sol Invictus in ancient Roman religion.

- Louis Duchesne, a French scholar, believes that December 25 is a timeline calculated as 9 months after the Annunciation, the day Jesus was conceived.

Meaning of Christmas day

Christmas in Western countries is increasingly celebrated and has become an annual international festival. In addition to celebrating the birth of God, Christmas is also considered a family holiday. This is an opportunity for friends and relatives to gather and gather together with many meaningful activities such as decorating Christmas trees, giving Christmas gifts, greeting cards, Christmas parties...

Besides, Christmas is also a day to spread to everyone the message of peace: Glory to God above - Peace to people on earth. On this occasion, everyone will share and show concern for those in difficult and unlucky circumstances.

Meaning of symbols of Christmas holiday

Christmas day is decorated extremely splendidly, from inside the house to the street. But not everyone understands the special meaning of each of these symbols.

Advent ring

The Advent (Christmas season) wreath is a circle made from leaves, placed on the table or hung at the door. The circle of leaves symbolizes eternity and God's endless love for humans. The green color of the leaves means hope that the Savior will save people.

Normally, 4 candles will be placed on the wreath of leaves, including 3 purple candles (the color of Advent) and 1 pink candle (Happy Sunday). Others use 4 red candles, burning 1 for each week of Advent that passes.

Stone cave

During the Christmas season, people often recreate the image of the grotto to commemorate the birth of God. Inside the cave there is a manger made of wood or paper, outside are symbols of Jesus, Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, angels, shepherds and livestock. In addition, there is also a star attached to the grotto to represent the illumination of astrologers who came to see the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas tree

The Christmas tree, also known as the Christmas tree, has green leaves and a triangular canopy. Green represents luck and eternity for Christians. When winter comes, all trees often lose their leaves and change their leaves, only pine trees still maintain their green color with strong vitality.

Christmas star

The star hanging at the highest place reminds us of God's promise to send humans a Savior. In addition, the Christmas star also symbolizes the light that dispels the darkness of the cold winter night, bringing a signal of a warm, beautiful spring.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is also known as Saint Nicholas - a very kind and generous religious man. He was also a patron of sailors and had a great love for children. Since the 16th century, children in the Netherlands have placed their shoes next to the fireplace in the hope that Santa Claus will give them the gifts of their dreams. Later, every Christmas, all children around the world hung stockings with the hope of receiving unexpected gifts from Santa Claus.

Christmas cards

Christmas cards originated in 1843, when an English merchant named Henry Cole asked an artist in London to design them for friends and relatives. The first Christmas greeting card was released that year. It quickly became a popular fashion and became an indispensable symbol of Christmas.

Christmas gifts

On Christmas day, besides meaningful wishes, people also give each other gifts to show love and care for relatives and friends.

Hopefully the information shared just now has helped you understand what Christmas is, the origin and meaning of Christmas. Another Christmas season is approaching. If parents need to prepare Christmas gifts for loved ones or friends, please visit the Mykingdom website at: .vn/ to freely choose gifts with many attractive incentives.