Children discover everything about the mysterious Halloween festival

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Bé khám phá tất tần tật về lễ hội Halloween bí ẩn


Halloween is an annual festival that attracts the attention of both adults and children. If anyone has ever participated in Halloween, they certainly cannot forget the extremely typical images such as pumpkins carved with ghostly animals, devil masks, strange costumes...

Let's learn more about the origin of Halloween, what day is Halloween, and the interesting activities that take place during this festival.

What day is Halloween?

Halloween is an acronym for All Hallows' Evening and is known as "The Devil's Festival". This traditional festival takes place in Western countries on October 31 every year.

Halloween marks the end of the harvest season and the anticipation of an icy winter. This is also an opportunity for everyone to remember the Martyrs, Saints and relatives who have passed away. To this day, Halloween is widely celebrated around the world on different large and small scales.

Why is there Halloween day?

Halloween appeared very early about 2000 years ago. The origins of Halloween are found among the Celtic people, living in areas of present-day Ireland, Great Britain and Northern France. The Celts were people who worshiped nature, especially the Sun God. In addition, they also created a god named Samhain - Lord of the cold and deadly winter.

According to religious belief, the Celts believed that on October 31 every year, all the souls of dead people would be summoned by God Samhain to the earthly realm and bring the bodies of animals to roam around the Earth. So the Celts lit big fires and sacrificed animals to give strength to the Sun God and eliminate darkness. At midnight, they worship God Samhain and begin to welcome a new year. Embers from the fire will be used by people to burn firewood in their own homes to ward off evil spirits.

When the Celtic people were conquered by the Roman Catholics, this culture still continued. They brought with them their own traditions and costumes. On October 31, witches will perform typical rituals. November 1 became a holiday honoring all the Martyrs and Saints. These superstitions and beliefs are still maintained and are considered Halloween for everyone.

Interesting activities take place during the Halloween festival


This is a typical activity of Halloween. Initially, this custom originated with the meaning of banishing evil spirits. Gradually, makeup activities were seen as an eye-catching and impressive fashion "show". From adults to children, everyone dresses up as their favorite characters such as witches, devils, superheroes, famous cartoon characters...

Decorative lanterns

Since ancient times, Irish people used radishes and potatoes to carve devil's faces with the meaning of driving away spirits. When the Halloween festival was introduced to America, people started using pumpkins. Nowadays, the activity of carving pumpkins to make lanterns to decorate Halloween night has become more popular and creative.

Set up the fire

On Halloween, people often light fires with the hope of empowering the Sun God, illuminating all living things and helping the harvest to be fruitful. Besides, the light from the fire also helps chase away evil spirits.

Trick or Treat

This is a Halloween activity loved by children in Western countries. On Halloween, children will dress up and go knocking on doors to ask for candy. If they do not receive candy, the children can play mischievous tricks and tease the host. Therefore, no one wants to be a "trick" so they will welcome the little ones with candy and coins.

Get apples and Halloween

Apples are considered a sacred fruit, used as offerings to the gods. On Halloween, people often organize activities related to apples such as peeling apples, taking apples in a basin of water... with the meaning of wishing for good luck.

With the above information, you probably know what day Halloween is, the origin of Halloween as well as the traditional activities that take place on this day. To see more interesting articles, please follow the " Handbook " section of Mykingdom.