What do 3-year-old children learn to be smarter and healthier?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Bé 3 tuổi học gì để thông minh và khỏe mạnh hơn?


To know what 3-year-old children learn and do to become better, parents should immediately read this article. Mykingdom will provide you with useful information to teach your children better.

Characteristics of 3 year old children

At the age of 3, children develop exceptionally well physically. Children can run independently and have better balance. In addition, 3-year-old children also have many amazing changes in psychology and cognition.

At this age, babies can express their moods through communication and actions such as hugging and kissing. In particular, 3-year-old children are in the "golden" time of intellectual development, they want to learn everything around them. That's why many parents have headaches because their children throw things, tear up paper, and make a mess of everything.

Children like to throw things, making many parents angry

What do 3 year olds learn?

What 3-year-old children learn to develop better is a question many parents are interested in. Mykingdom will answer for you.

Be proactive during meals

1. Invite everyone to dinner

3-year-old children love to imitate the activities of those around them, and inviting them to eat is no exception. So parents, please sit your children at the table and invite them to eat so they can learn. Don't forget to clap your hands to encourage your child to feel comfortable with the new habit.

2. Feed yourself

You should practice letting your child hold a spoon and eat by himself. Before that, parents can let their children play with kitchen toys so they can play and simulate eating movements. Parents should not help their children if they see them eating too slowly because this will make them dependent and learn to eat on their own more slowly.

Even if the child shows resistance, parents should not give in

Personal hygiene

1. Brush your teeth and wash your face

What should a 3-year-old child learn? That is learning how to wash your face and brush your teeth. Parents should let their children practice gradually and check their teeth every time they brush their teeth.

2. Wear your own clothes and shoes

Parents need to train their children to be more independent in dressing, patiently practice with their children and give instructions if they make mistakes, rather than helping them dress.

What do 3 year olds learn? Cultivate a sense of orderliness

Children's toys will be scattered all over the house if parents do not teach their children how to clean up. You can prepare a large basket and ask your child to put toys in each time they finish playing. This habit not only helps your baby be disciplined, but also enhances fine motor skills.

Participate in physical training and sports activities

Physical education and sports activities play an extremely important role in the process of developing children's height and muscle strength. Two sports that parents can let their 3-year-old children participate in are cycling and swimming. Sports not only improves health but also trains children's soft skills to help them self-rescue when encountering dangerous situations.

Children should learn to swim from an early age

Read and tell stories

When asked what 3-year-old children learn , many parents immediately think of letting their children practice reading and telling stories. Books are the perfect bridge between children and the world around them. The stories in the book will help children develop their imagination, from which they have the foundation to create more new stories.

Not stopping there, children's books have many colors. Parents can take advantage of books to teach their children to recognize basic colors, animals as well as their sounds to support children's thinking development.

Reading books brings many benefits

Mykingdom has provided information for you to know what your 3-year-old child is learning . You should start doing it now so that your child can fully develop both physically and mentally in the future. Parents, remember to visit Mykingdom to buy genuine toys suitable for your baby!