Revealing ways to help children become smarter that not all parents know

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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A child's IQ or intelligence is related to success in learning, career and later social relationships. Because smart children often have soft skills such as problem solving, goal setting, teamwork, behavior... that develop better than other children. So how can children help develop this IQ? Besides ensuring scientific nutrition, there are ways to help children become smarter that have been successfully applied by many parents. Find out now in the following article.

Limit children's exposure to electronic devices

Pediatric experts recommend that infants and children under 2 years old should not watch television. And children 2 years old and older should not use electronic devices for more than 2 hours/day. Letting children constantly be "glued" to TV, iPads, smartphones... will affect their health, and even put them at risk of being slow to speak, passive, and not bringing anything to them. What stimulation for the brain?

Besides, parents should also choose educational entertainment programs suitable for each age and should watch them with their children instead of "entrusting" them to electronic devices.

Encourage your child to participate in physical activities

Physical activity plays an important role in the health and life of people, especially young children. Therefore, to form a positive, healthy lifestyle for children, parents should encourage their children to participate in more physical activities.

From a young age, parents can give their children access to active toys such as scooters for babies, balance bikes for babies, walkers, seesaws, bouncy toys for babies ... or other toys. Sports toys for children such as basketball, football, ring throwing... This is also a way to help children become smarter and healthier every day.

Increase fun with your children at home

Another simple way to help children become smarter is for parents to talk and play with their children at home . These interactive activities will help stimulate children's brain and thinking development, and emotional attachment will also increase. It is important to note that parents need to be "wholehearted" when playing with their children so that children feel excited and feel the care and love of their parents for them.

Let children play with educational toys

Educational toys for children are not just simple entertainment toys but are also considered useful tools to help children develop comprehensive skills. Some necessary skills that educational toys bring to children include the ability to solve problems, critical thinking, dexterity, meticulousness, increase IQ, promote imagination and social skills. ...

Regularly read books to children

Reading books to children is also a way parents can use to help children become smarter. Children from 1-1.5 years old can understand some simple words. Starting from 1.5 years old and up, children have outstanding language development. Therefore, it is never too early to create a habit of reading to your baby.

Gentle, easy-to-understand, highly educational stories will help children develop awareness of the world around them, expand their vocabulary and form good qualities. When children reach the age of learning to speak, after reading books/stories to them, parents should ask related questions to help the child practice memory and expression.

Let children listen to music

Music not only helps the mind relax and feel at ease, but is also a way to help children become smarter, train their memory ability, stimulate their talents and create a premise for language development. Therefore, parents should let their children listen to music regularly or let them come into contact with some musical instruments such as piano, drums...

Praise your child's efforts

Parents should praise any efforts or endeavors of their children. That is part of the motivation for children to further develop their abilities. Furthermore, this also helps children form a developmental mindset and practice better problem-solving abilities.

Create opportunities for children to explore the world around them

Taking children out to play or traveling will help them integrate into nature and discover new things. This is also the most effective and natural way to help children become smarter. Don't miss any opportunity to guide and teach your child everything he or she observes and hears so that he or she can have a rich vocabulary and remember better.

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