Revealing 6 ways to improve children's logical reasoning ability

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Bật mí 6 cách nâng cao khả năng suy luận logic cho trẻ


The ability to reason logically is an important foundation for children to learn quickly and understand deeply in all matters. This skill also helps children make wise choices and decisions. From there, children will easily achieve their goals in life. In today's article, Mykingdom will suggest ways for parents to improve their children's logical reasoning ability. Find out now!

What is a child's logical reasoning ability?

The ability to reason logically or the ability to reason and think logically is the ability to imagine, synthesize, analyze and evaluate information collected or from observation, experience, and communication.

A person with good logical reasoning ability will learn and absorb very quickly as well as make wise and correct decisions.

Therefore, improving children's logical reasoning ability from an early age is extremely necessary for children to be more successful in their studies and future.

Ways to improve children's logical reasoning ability

Below are 6 ways to help children improve their logical reasoning ability:

Enhance children's reading comprehension skills

Strengthening reading comprehension skills is considered an important stepping stone to developing other skills for children, including logical reasoning skills. Because when children understand what they hear and read, they can express their thoughts through language.

In reality, the vocabulary that children learn from communicating with their parents is not enough. In addition to letting children participate in daily fun activities, teaching them to do housework ... parents canteach their children to read books and expose them to specific topics to improve reading comprehension skills. This will help children increase their vocabulary and develop communication.

Encourage children to ask questions

Parents should encourage children to ask and answer questions about what they observe and read. This is a great way to stimulate children's desire to learn and form positive thoughts. Children will also focus and think more deeply about what they are learning. Furthermore, this method also helps parents monitor their children's learning and development process.

Develop children's cognitive abilities

Another way to improve logical reasoning ability is to stimulate curiosity and develop children's cognitive abilities. Parents should let children come into contact with smart objects and toys that stimulate curiosity and promote positive thoughts in children.

Or parents read books every day with their children, then allow them to express their thoughts about a dialogue in the book or story. Only then can children improve their reading comprehension and cognitive skills effectively.

Improve children's ability to connect

When children have the ability to connect and chain together, they can judge the ending of the story or how to expand the situation in a reasonable way. Parents can read books with their children and ask questions to help them develop reasoning, analysis, comparison and association skills.

Teach children the ability to summarize

Parents should let children practice summarizing a story or book chapter after reading. Or encourage children to retell stories that happen in everyday life. Children will know what is the highlight and what is most important in the story. Remembering what they have read, observed and practiced summarizing will help children improve their logical reasoning ability.

Play games that stimulate thinking and reasoning

This is also a way to help children improve their logical thinking ability that many parents apply. Parents read fun age-appropriate riddles to their children and encourage them to give answers. This method will help children think and analyze, thereby developing judgment and reasoning abilities.

Besides, parents can play games with their children that stimulate thinking and judgment such as LEGO assembly toys, Playdoh , Magic Cube games...

With the above sharing, Mykingdom hopes that parents will know how to help their children improve their logical reasoning ability effectively. To choose genuine educational toys and smart toys suitable for your child's age, parents should visit Mykingdom's website at: .