Characteristics and content of science STEM lessons

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Đặc trưng và nội dung của bài học STEM khoa học


STEM lessons will help children be more creative and practice problem-solving abilities. That's why STEM education is receiving top attention and is being applied by many schools with the desire to create a more excellent generation of young people. So do you know the characteristics of this method as well as the content included in STEM lessons?

  1. STEM lessons are closely linked to practice

One of the main reasons why the STEM method brings optimal benefits to students is the practical element. Children will use their own creativity and knowledge to solve a real-life problem.

  1. Lessons are adapted from the engineering design process

Unlike the traditional way of learning when students passively receive knowledge from books, STEM lessons require children to participate in design, manufacturing, and testing to create products that can serve customers. serve the needs of life.

Students will be guided through text, video,... or direct guidance from teachers. The "design - test - adjust" process operates continuously to help students ask their own questions and learn the principles to solve problems.

Students are allowed to pose their own problems and find solutions

  1. The lesson leads to an open ending, creating space for creativity

In the STEM program, children will learn lessons that are not too binding. The constraints are only limited to the materials provided and the way the materials are used. However, limiting resources to create products does not limit children's creativity, but also increases their ability to adapt and solve problems.

  1. STEM lessons create opportunities for children to determine their future careers

The STEM method will create opportunities for students to solve problems related to a specific career. Children will learn about the working process of that profession as well as the requirements needed to come up with solutions. Thereby, children can form thinking and attitudes towards that profession, contributing to career orientation.

Children learn about the specific requirements of the profession

  1. Math and science content are closely linked

In STEM lessons , math and STEM science content are closely connected and integrated. Mathematical and scientific knowledge and skills will be a solid foundation for students to solve problems and gain experience.

  1. There is not just one answer, children can "design - test - adjust"

When children perform science experiments, different results may result. At this time, instead of rejecting ideas, the teacher will support suggestions and direction. Thereby, students will accept multidimensionality or discuss to refute a certain hypothesis.

For elementary STEM and preschool STEM classes, children still do not have enough ability to make subjective comments. The teacher will be a supporter for the child to understand the lesson, ensuring the child understands the problem from the core, not going directly to the results.

  1. Aim to develop qualities and abilities

Through the process of applying knowledge and skills from different fields in STEM lessons , children will have the opportunity to develop their abilities. Solving practical tasks both helps children demonstrate a certain level of ability and discover their own potential.

Learning using the STEM method helps children develop personal abilities

STEM lessons are a new age educational method, the effectiveness of this method is increasingly evident as many schools around the world have applied it and succeeded. Vietnam is also incorporating this content into its educational program and we firmly believe that we will have very talented and talented young people in the near future.