What should parents do when their children won't lend them their toys?

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Teaching children to share is one of the things parents should teach their children from a young age. This not only creates conditions for children to be sociable and have fun with friends, but also helps children understand kindness and generosity. However, children aged 3-6 years old are often highly possessive and do not like to give their toys to their friends. Children even have disputes with other children.

When encountering this situation, parents should not rush to blame their children for being selfish because it will affect the child's psychology. Instead, parents should apply the following smart solutions to teach their children to share toys with friends.

Children need understanding rather than criticism and accusations

The fact that children do not lend their toys to you is the result of cognitive development, especially from 2-3 years old. At this time, children can clearly know which toys and belongings belong to them and that others cannot touch them. Besides, children still do not understand that if they lend a toy to a friend, ownership of the toy remains unchanged. Therefore, children will not want to share toys with anyone even if their parents remind them.

In addition, many children feel afraid that if they let you borrow a toy, you won't return it. Therefore, the fact that a child does not lend a toy to a friend does not mean that the child is selfish or selfish. So parents should not worry too much or criticize or scold their children.

Children should not be forced to share

Sometimes, because of social etiquette between adults, parents force their children to share or give up toys to other children. This unintentionally causes negative effects on children's psychology. Children even have extreme thoughts and actions such as thinking that their parents don't love them anymore, that their parents are punishing them, or that they would rather destroy toys than share... These things are not good. in building self-confidence in children. Parents need to understand that ownership of the game is also a type of right that helps children assert themselves.

Respect the child's wishes

There are many reasons why children do not want to share toys with others. It could be because the toy is important to the child, a new toy, or a comforting toy. Sometimes children simply don't want to share with a friend, or their mood is not good... It's best for parents to respect their children's wishes, let them solve it themselves and adults don't should intervene.

Happiness is the premise of sharing

Sharing actions are built on trust between people and the same goes for children. However, this requires a long time to build. After playing together for a while and feeling compatible, children will easily share toys.

But children are not always willing to give up their toys to their friends. Even though last time they may have been very happy to play with them, this time that is not necessarily the case. Because communication between children is completely based on events and not on people. Therefore, if children do not want to share their toys, parents should not force them too much.

Teach children to share naturally

Parents can create interesting experiences of sharing. For example, when sharing food or toys, parents can say "one for me, one for me", or "you play for a while, mom plays for a while, then it's dad's turn". Thus, children will see sharing as an interesting game, not coercion or intimidation of their ownership of that toy.

Pick out toys that can be shared

Before children go out, parents should help their children choose toys that children can share with others. The fact that both parties have their own toy makes sharing easier. When children have friends over to play, parents should put away special toys that children do not want to share to avoid unpleasant conflict situations.

Some of the things shared above will hopefully help parents somewhat troubleshoot situations of fighting over toys. Teaching children to share requires understanding, respect and patience from parents. Furthermore, parents need to grasp the sensitivity of each stage, from which they can come up with appropriate teaching methods. Don't forget to follow the articles in Mykingdom's Handbook section for more useful information.