Pin now 9 effective ways to teach your child to spell right at home

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Teaching children how to spell correctly is a matter of concern for many parents. This is an important skill that children need to equip before entering grade 1. But not all parents know how to teach their children to spell correctly. The following article will share the basic principles and simple ways to teach children to spell .

Choose a suitable time to learn spelling

Children of preschool age and preparing to enter first grade are often less able to concentrate for a long time. Therefore, parents need to choose a reasonable time to teach their children to spell to create interest and concentration. Parents can take advantage of the time when their baby takes a bath or gets ready for bed by using simple spellings such as spelling the names of objects, animals, etc.

Parents need to be patient when teaching their children

Impatience and haste in teaching children to spell are problems many parents have. Many parents still threaten and force their children to learn to spell, making them scared and worried. Instead, parents need to gently teach their children slowly, little by little. Every day you learn how to spell, your child will gradually learn and remember longer.

Be mentally ready to teach your child to spell

The effective way to teach children to spell is to let them learn while playing. Parents should mentally prepare in advance and not put too much emphasis on their children being good at it and learning to spell quickly. With simple ways to teach children to spell every day through the names of objects, utensils, and the names of parents and siblings in the family, children will learn more quickly and effectively.

Regularly review with your child

In order for children to remember for a long time, parents need to review with their children what they have learned. Teaching your child to spell correctly and reviewing regularly will help your child learn better. When reviewing, parents should use many different ways to create interest for their children. Instead of asking your child to spell the whole word, parents should let your child find the correct letter to combine. For example, the word "table" in "table", spell only "...àn" and then ask the child to find the missing word to fill in.

Teach children letters and punctuation first

Parents let their babies play with toys that teach them to read and write with vivid colors, which will help them learn faster. Practice this way of teaching your child to spell by asking your child random letters in everyday life such as reading letters on advertising signs, letters on cake boxes... Parents can ask their child simple questions. like "What is this word?"

Learn carefully about spelling rules

How to teach children to spell correctly needs to follow the rules of reformed textbooks. Parents need to learn carefully to be able to communicate to their children easily and avoid mistakes.

Teach your baby simple words first

Parents should start by teaching their children to spell simple, familiar everyday words such as "daddy", "mom", "chicken", "fish"... Once the baby recognizes it, the difficulty begins to increase. with more complex words. Only then will children's learning to spell be most effective.

Study and play at the same time

This is a way to teach children to spell so they can easily recognize and absorb quickly. Parents can use letter-learning toys and word-matching games such as letter-learning backpacks and smart letter-learning carts and play with their children. Children will be excited to participate in fun and absorb useful knowledge. During play, parents should give their children encouragement and praise at the right time to make them feel confident and excited.

Don't force your child to study too much

Children of preschool age often like to play and have little concentration. Therefore, parents should not force their children to learn to spell too much, causing them to feel bored and lose interest. Teaching children to spell slowly will be effective, helping them remember longer.

With the ways to teach children to spell shared above, we hope parents will have more useful information for their children's comprehensive development.

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