6 principles make teaching communication skills to children easy

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
6 nguyên tắc giúp việc dạy kỹ năng giao tiếp cho trẻ trở nên dễ dàng


Teaching communication skills to children is extremely important, especially in the early stages of life. In fact, children who communicate well will have developed language skills, confident personalities and good reflexes. This will create a solid foundation for your child to "cope" with future changes and more easily succeed in life.

Today's article will share the basic principles parents need to remember when teaching communication skills to children.

Why should children be taught communication skills?

Communication is one of the indispensable skills in everyday life. It is not simply a listening and speaking activity but an art that requires the coordination of many skills to achieve the highest efficiency in conveying information.

In young children, communication skills are developed in different stages. If from birth, children communicate through hand and foot movements and crying, then at age 3, children begin to use language or attitudes, emotions, and body language to communicate. It can be said that communication is the "tool" for children to survive and develop.

Experts believe that communication skills should be taught to children from an early age. Because at this time, children's brains are developing and can easily absorb quickly. Children who communicate well will know how to use language flexibly, behave politely, and clearly express their opinions and personality. Thanks to that, children will have a stronger foundation in the future, create good relationships with people around them and succeed more easily.

6 important principles when training children's communication skills

Teaching communication skills to children is no longer difficult if parents master the following principles.

Know how to greet, greet and ask about the health of the elderly

This is an important principle for teaching communication skills to children that parents should not ignore. Young children often learn from their parents' behavior and attitudes, so parents should be a good example for their children. In the family, parents should help their children build close relationships and communicate regularly with their grandparents.

If the grandparents do not live together, share and confide about them so that the child can feel everyone's love for the child. In addition, parents should guide their children how to care and ask about their grandparents' health to form good habits for their children.

In addition, parents can teach children communication skills with the elderly with simple sentences such as "Hello, sir", "How are you?" "Where are you going?"... When talking, your child needs to show a polite attitude. He should not say empty words, nod or shake his head, but must say yes.

Know how to say thank you and sorry at the right time

The second principle to teach children communication skills is to teach them to say thank you and sincerely apologize. When children receive gifts, cakes or are helped by others, they should say thank you. For example, "Thank you, grandma", "I thank you". Help children understand that saying thank you at the right time will show appreciation for the person who has brought them good things.

Along with saying thank you, a sincere apology is also the minimum courtesy that children need to remember. Parents should explain to their children that apologizing when they make a mistake is also to help them acknowledge their mistakes and improve themselves.

Make eye contact

Parents should guide their children when communicating with anyone to direct their eyes to the other person. This not only helps children feel confident but also shows respect for others. Only then will the best communication efficiency be improved.

Answer in complete sentences

Young children's language skills are not yet perfect, so when they communicate, they often say empty sentences. Parents, don't worry too much. Slowly teach children communication skills with short, complete answers with subject and predicate. For example, when you ask, "What are you doing?", teach your child to answer, "I'm playing with a toy ."

Teaching communication skills to children through answering complete sentences will help children understand a sentence with a complete subject and predicate. Furthermore, this also shows respect for the questioner.

Proactively express your wishes

Parents should build a close relationship in communication with children. From there, children can easily communicate and boldly express their wishes to their parents. Parents can teach children communication skills to help them express their wishes by asking questions in different situations. For example, when a child is playing with a control plane , parents can ask "Let me play with the plane with you!"

Besides, parents should spend time playing with their children, listen, encourage children to communicate openly and don't forget to cheer and praise at the right time.

Respect other people's opinions and feelings

Respecting the feelings and opinions of others is expressed through communication such as listening, not interrupting the conversation, not stealing words, and contributing positive opinions. Parents should set an example to teach children communication skills in the most natural and effective way.

With the above principles of teaching communication skills for children , we hope that parents will have more useful information to help their children always be confident, bold and polite. Parents, please be patient to help your children form good habits and build a solid foundation for their future.