5 tips to help eliminate your child's fear of doctors

06.06.2023   BTV dieu.tranthi
5 bí quyết giúp xóa bỏ nỗi sợ bác sĩ cho bé nhà bạn


More and more diseases arise, causing harm to children's health and development. Vaccinate children to have the ability to withstand environmental impacts such as weather and UV rays or harmful agents such as bacteria, viruses...

However, many children are extremely afraid of doctors and afraid of injections. Many children just hear the word doctor and burst into tears or become extremely resistant. What is the solution to this fear of doctors? Join us in reviewing the following 5 measures.

Always accompany your child every time he goes to the doctor

To help children reduce their fear of doctors, parents should go with their children to the doctor's office. Children may feel hurt when their parents are not the first people to go with them. Having the most familiar person by your side will help your baby feel more comfortable in a strange environment. Furthermore, when the child feels pain while being injected with medicine, he or she may cry loudly. Parents need to promptly comfort and comfort the child so that the child does not have psychological obstacles to the injection.

Gradually, your child will get used to seeing the doctor. In future visits, even if the accompanying person is not a parent but a relative, the child will not panic or react too aggressively.

Be honest with your child to reduce fear of doctors

Many parents take medical examinations seriously to scare their children. Sayings like "If you don't sit still for an examination, you'll get an injection" or "If you're naughty, I'll tell the doctor that the injection will hurt more"... make your child more and more afraid of the doctor. Instead, parents should build a good image for the doctor. They are "angels in white" who save people and help people stay healthy like superheroes. Giving your child a good impression and a positive atmosphere before going to the hospital will help your child not be afraid of the doctor anymore.

When your child is worried and asks if he needs an injection this time, give him an honest answer. Lying will only make the child lose trust in what their parents say, and should not make the child feel that the injection is very painful. Soothe your child with a warm hug or gentle comforting words. In particular, parents can encourage their children that new injections will help them stay healthy like superheroes and be able to go out wherever they want.

Reward your child with a small gift

After the injection is completed, parents need to praise their children for being brave, to preserve the feeling of pride each time they go to the doctor. Besides, parents can reward their children with small gifts such as a toy or candy to create a fun experience every time the child goes to the doctor.

When you return home, talk with your child about getting vaccinated today, allowing him/her to invite friends over to play the next day or letting him/her go out to a place he/she likes, which is also an interesting factor. Every time I go to the doctor, I will no longer be afraid of seeing the doctor. This method should only be applied the first time, because receiving rewards too many times will make children feel that receiving gifts every time they go to the doctor is inevitable, which will be detrimental to the process of eliminating fear of doctors.

Use doctor role-play toys

Before going to the clinic, children can become familiar with the tools used by doctors with doctor role-playing toys. Children can transform themselves into doctors to examine dolls or pets in the house. In this way, children will feel more familiar with this profession and less afraid of doctors. Parents should teach their children the exact names of the devices so they can remember and not get confused every time doctors and nurses examine their children.

In addition, parents can directly illustrate to their children with doctor role-playing toys so they know what they will have to go through. Model each action first so your child will be braver when faced with going to the hospital. Parents, please use familiar sentences to help your children get used to it. Children need to be exposed to role-playing toy sets with full tools such as needles, thread cutters, stethoscopes... Parents should use genuine products from the two brands BATTAT or ECOIFFIER, with materials High quality plastic, safe for children's health.

Be careful in choosing a doctor for your child

Part of your child's fear of doctors may stem from doctors being too strict. For young patients, prioritize choosing doctors who like to interact with children and often laugh and talk to relieve their children's stress. Furthermore, excellent doctors will know how to explain terms in a lovely way so that children can understand and not worry anymore.

In addition, the environment at the clinic should not be too serious but should make the child feel warm and safe. Only then will the child not be afraid of the doctor and believe that he will be healthy when he goes to the doctor.

Above are 5 ways to "eliminate" your child's fear of doctors. Parents also need to pay attention to nutrition and exercise so that their children stay healthy and active in life.