What day is October 20? Why should you give gifts on this holiday?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
20/10 là ngày gì? Tại sao nên tặng quà trong ngày lễ này?


What day is October 20 ? This is an important holiday for Vietnamese women. On this day, you can easily see women being given flowers and gifts, attending parties and toasting together. Join Mykingdom to find out what day October 20 is and why Vietnam has this holiday!

What day is October 20?

October 20 is the founding day of the Vietnam Women's Union. On October 20, 1930, the Vietnamese Women's Association was established. During the period 1939-1941, the Association changed its name to the Anti-Imperialist Women's Association to suit the goals at that time, which were anti-imperialist, anti-war, and demanding peace. After that, the Association changed its name to the Vietnam Women's Union.

Through many historical ups and downs, Vietnamese women have affirmed their position in the work of building and developing the country. Women are increasingly active and creative, not only good at domestic work but also at home, bringing great benefits to both society and the community.

What day is October 20? Today's day to honor women

With the desire to mark this special event, the Communist Party of Vietnam chose October 20 as the anniversary day of the Vietnam Women's Union. Every year on this holiday, many organizations and companies also organize parties or ceremonies to honor female employees who have achieved outstanding achievements in a number of fields.

Meaning of October 20

October 20, 1930 is a historical milestone marking women's first steps towards independence and autonomy. For the first time, Vietnamese women can hold ballots in their hands, participate in important government and social work, and hold many positions in the State apparatus.

Vietnamese Women's Day, October 20, is a day commemorating the day women's organizations were legally and publicly organized. This holiday also proves to us that the flow of history continues, but whether in wartime or peacetime, Vietnamese women are always patriotic, strong, still maintain tolerance and charity, bringing many positive contributions to the community.

Vietnamese women are strong but still full of tolerance and charity

Vietnamese Women's Day is not only a special occasion for women, but also a holiday with profound meaning for the Vietnamese people. If you already understand what day October 20 is but still don't know what October 20 gift to give, let Mykingdom share with you some "secrets" for choosing gifts!

Why should dads and babies give gifts on October 20?

October 20 is a holiday to honor Vietnamese women. This is also an important occasion for fathers and children to show love and respect to grandmothers, mothers, wives, and sisters in the family. October 20 gifts will create a feeling of appreciation as well as bring joy to women. The gifts do not need to be too expensive, as long as they bring spiritual value, the women will be extremely happy and ready to try harder for both family and work.

Gifts given on Vietnamese Women's Day can be:

  • Rose
  • 10 point test
  • A dinner prepared by father and child together
  • Beautiful cards with wishes written on them
  • A song between father and son
  • A handmade item made by your child.

Give gifts to women on October 20

Suggest some October 20th wishes for your baby

Once you know what day October 20 is , don't forget to prepare meaningful wishes to send to your beloved women.

Wishes for grandmother and mother

My dear mother, I wish you a very happy October 20th holiday. There are no words that can express all my love and gratitude for you, mother. Thank you mother for giving birth to me and raising me. I promise to try harder to study to make you proud.

Dear grandmother! I wish her good health and a long life to be happy with her children and grandchildren. You will forever be the most wonderful person in my heart, I love you so much!

On the occasion of October 20, I would like to wish you good health and happiness always. Thank you mom for always worrying and taking good care of us. I hope you will stay with us for a long time so that I can repay your gratitude and sacrifice.

My beloved grandmother! On the occasion of Vietnamese Women's Day, October 20, I wish you good health and a long life with your children and grandchildren. I still remember the warm memories of being with her as a child. I hope my grandmother will be with us for a long time.

Thank you to the most wonderful woman in our family! I hope mom is always young and beautiful and always happy. Mom is always number 1 in my heart. I love you so much mom!

What day is October 20? It's the day I can give words of love to my grandmother and mother

Wishes for teachers on October 20

In addition to sending wishes to grandmother and mother, children should also wish 10/20 to their teachers. Here are some wishes for children to refer to:

On the occasion of Vietnamese Women's Day, I would like to wish you good health and always happiness. Wishing you more and more success in your career of growing people.

I wish you a very happy October 20th. Wishing you always beautiful and healthy so you can steer the boat that brings many students to the shore of knowledge. We always love and thank you so much!

On this special holiday, I wish you good health, happiness and always keep the fire of enthusiasm for your profession to train more generations of students!

Her heart and enthusiasm in teaching are like a lamp illuminating our path of knowledge.

On October 20, I would like to wish the cheerful and youthful teacher of my class to always be beautiful and increasingly successful in both her teaching career and life. I hope you become more and more "tough" to be able to handle your naughty students, hihi.

Thank you for being patient and always bringing the most useful knowledge. Thank you for your tireless work in making dreams come true for each generation of students. On the occasion of Vietnamese Women's Day October 20, I want to send you my best and most sincere wishes. Wishing you always be happy and maintain your passion for the teaching profession so that more and more students can learn knowledge.

Let's bring the best wishes to teachers on the occasion of October 20

So we know what day October 20 is as well as the meaning of this holiday. On this important holiday, let's organize a small party together to surprise mom and grandma, thereby saving the most memorable memories!