13 golden secrets to help children always be confident and bold in communication

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
13 bí quyết vàng giúp trẻ luôn tự tin, mạnh dạn trong giao tiếp


In fact, children who are confident and bold in communication, gestures and actions are more likely to succeed and achieve high positions in society. However, there are many children who are still quite timid and lack confidence when communicating, making their parents worried. So how can children feel more confident and bold? Parents, please refer to some effective ways to teach children to communicate that many people apply below.

How to teach children to communicate by setting an example for them

Scientific studies have shown that children are a reflection of their parents. The words, actions, and gestures of parents have a great influence on the physical and mental development of children. Therefore, parents should become good role models for their children to follow. If you want your children to be confident in communication, parents need to show autonomy and independence even in their thinking and lifestyle.

Parents create models for children to imitate

One way to teach children to communicate effectively from an early age is to model it for them to imitate. If you create a standard model, children will learn and form good habits later. You can create a model to guide your child in expressing opinions politely and confidently when communicating. For example, do not interrupt others, speak at a certain volume or perform certain actions... Children will observe and imitate.

How to teach children to communicate by expanding vocabulary

When communicating every day, parents should add simple words to expand their baby's vocabulary. For example, when pointing to a chicken, you can describe it and say "the rooster crows loudly". Surely your baby will find it interesting and remember it longer.

The way to teach children to communicate is to regularly confide in them

Confiding in children regularly not only increases emotional attachment but also helps children become more confident in communication. Therefore, parents should create opportunities to talk a lot with their children.

The way to teach children to communicate well is to let them have the right to make decisions

This is also a way to teach children to communicate confidently that parents need to know. Let your child choose the toy he likes and play the way he wants. Parents should only play a guiding role, giving their children the best suggestions and respecting their decisions. This will help children feel more interested and parents can also apply ways to teach children to communicate more easily.

The way to teach children to communicate confidently is to let them express their opinions

When children know how to express their opinions, their language skills are improved. Furthermore, this is also very good in forming children's argumentative thinking.

The way to teach children to communicate confidently is to train them to be proactive

Proactivity is very important in developing children's communication skills. You can practice with your baby by "pretending" to forget to do something every day so that they can actively do it. For example, you let your child proactively find milk to drink...

Provide examples of "good people doing good deeds"

Models of real people and real people in real life around them will be a source of inspiration for children to follow. This is also a way to teach children to communicate more confidently that parents should not ignore.

Add new things for children to perfect their language

You can add a new object in your baby's familiar space. For example, a toy car can be controlled in the middle of assembled Lego toys and left for the baby to explore and identify. If your baby still doesn't realize it, attract your baby's attention with suggestions like "Oh, there's something red here..." This method both creates interest and helps children improve their language. I'm better.

The way to teach children to communicate confidently is to always cheer and encourage them

The enthusiastic support of parents will be the motivation to help children become more confident in all aspects of life. Therefore, parents should always be ready to be by their children's side to share joy or encourage them when they are sad.

Parents promptly praise children's efforts

Whether children achieve good results or not, parents should give them praise and encouragement at the right time. Because if parents only focus on results or achievements, it will only create more stress and pressure for children.

Encourage children to participate in social activities

Besides family, expanding social relationships is an effective way to teach children to communicate confidently. Parents should let their children participate in many useful social activities and maintain positive relationships. From there, children will become more mature, more independent and confident.

Choose intellectual toys for your baby

Baby toys are extremely effective tools for teaching children to communicate and are used by many people. Depending on your baby's age and personality, you choose the right toy for your baby. For active boys, you can choose transportation toys , animal toys ... And doll toys , kitchen utensils ... are loved by many girls. .

It can be seen that confidence and boldness in communication are a solid foundation to help children have a good future. Parents should immediately save the above effective ways to teach children to communicate to help children form their personality, increase their confidence and increase their chances of success in the future.