Transformers is a robot action film series adapted from the comic book series of Marvel Comics. The film focuses on the conflict between the two robot factions, the positive Autobots led by leader Optimus Prime and the evil Decepticons led by leader Megatron. With an engaging storyline and impressive cast of characters, Transformers has created a strong appeal to a large number of viewers around the world, especially children.
So if your child is a fan of Transformers, then definitely don't miss the collection of Transformers transforming robot toys, super quality Transformers robot assembly toys at discounted prices of up to 30%. Not only attractive by its sophisticated design, Transformers transforming robots can also shape robots and assemble them to change flexibly like in books and movies. Refer now!
1. Original 4.5 inch Optimus Prime figure
SKU E1163/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
The original 4.5 inch Optimus Prime figure E1163/E0618 is based on the main character of the Transformers film series, a character who became a heroic symbol of humanity, the brave, trustworthy leader of the Autobots.
With a 2-in-1 function, this Transformers transforming robot is both a powerful transforming robot and a cool two-tractor Peterbit 397 container truck. The toy design is meticulous in every detail, capable of vivid movement to help stimulate baby's vision. Children can transform their favorite characters themselves and create many interesting action stories.
2. 4.5 inch original Bumblebee figure
SKU E1164/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
The original 4.5 inch Bumblebee model E1164/E0618 vividly simulates the character loved by many children in the famous cartoon Transformers. The product has a striking yellow color, eye-catching design, every small detail is meticulously crafted, and the joints transform flexibly.
Transformers transforming robot toy character Bumblebee can move and transform from a speedy racing car into a powerful robot and vice versa. Thanks to that, children are trained in patience, concentration, and increase their thinking ability, creativity and imagination.
3. Original 4.5 inch BARRICADE model
SKU F0524/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
The next Transformers robot you shouldn't miss is the 4.5-inch Original Barricade Model F0524/E0618 . This is a member of the Decepticon army group that has the ability to transform from a robot into a police car and vice versa. Original size is 4.5 inches, compact, convenient for storage.
This toy will help you enjoy playing, chatting or role-playing with your favorite Transformers friend. Thereby enhancing intellectual development, stimulating children's imagination and creativity to fly high and far.
4. Original Rachet model 4.5 inches
SKU E7319/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
The original 4.5 inch Rachet figure E7319/E0618 recreates the character Rachet - an important member of the Autobots army. Rachet is not a robot warrior but an excellent medic. Therefore, this Transformers transforming robot character can transform from a robot into the shape of a Hummer H2 ambulance. With the design of flexible joints, children only need to perform a few operations to change the character's shape to their liking.
5. 4.5 inch original Grimlock figure
SKU E4301/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
Original 4.5 inch Grimlock model E4301/E0618 is an indispensable character in the Autobot army because he is the leader of the Dinobots - the best fighting army. This Transformers transforming robot character can transform into a king-sized dinosaur with overwhelming power and aura. In robot form, Grimlock possesses an extremely sharp sword and a double-barreled rocket launcher.
6. Original Starscream 4.5 inch figure
SKU E1166/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
Original 4.5 inch Starscream figure E1166/E0618 is the deputy general of the Decepticon army. Impressive, sophisticated character design, flexible joints. Thanks to that, Starscream can transform from a robot into a jet with a rocket head attached. Parents, please help your children collect this character to create dramatic and thrilling robot battles.
7. Original Megatron 4.5 inch figure
SKU E1165/E0618
30% off for only 153,000 VND (Original price 219,000 VND)
Note: Product prices are updated to date and may change depending on each promotion.
The original 4.5 inch Megatron figure E1165/E0618 is a Transformers transforming robot toy that perfectly simulates the supreme leader of the Decepticons and the archrival of Optimus Prime. The product can transform from a robot into a Cybertron-style fighter plane with just a few simple steps.
Above is a unique collection of Transformers transforming robots suitable for children aged 6 years and older to play and collect. All of these products are available at Mykingdom Toy Kingdom. Especially, in April 2022, this Transformers transforming robot toy is being offered an attractive promotion of up to 30%. Parents, please go to the nearest Mykingdom store or visit the website for convenient and quick shopping.