Exciting movement games for children from 0-3 years old

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Những trò chơi vận động cho trẻ từ 0-3 tuổi thú vị


Let's take a look at some exciting and fun exercise games for children from 0-3 years old , helping children develop both thinking and motor skills. The activities are all very easy to prepare, let's start making games for your children.

Balanced moving game

You need to prepare colorful tape, it is best to use bright colors such as red, orange, pink... to stimulate children's vision. The playing space should be cleared of obstacles to avoid children being bumped into.

First, you need to clean the floor and tidy up the space for playing physical games for children 0-3 years old . Then apply the tape to the floor, creating straight lines or zigzag curves on the floor. Children must follow the rule that they can only walk on the available tape, not on areas without tape. If the child goes outside the tape, it is a violation of the rules. When your baby walks the entire length of the runway, he or she will become the winner.

Use colorful tape to attract your child

Parents should decide on color rules combined with activities to stimulate their baby's motor development. For example, when walking on blue tape, you must raise your hands, and when walking on pink tape, you must use your hands to hold your ears...

Pro tip: You can use multiple colored tapes to create different designs and make movement games for children 0-3 years old more interesting by forcing them to walk backwards.

Sports game for children from 0-3 years old: Coin toss

For this game, you only need to prepare 10 coins and 1 plastic cup. The game will help your baby improve hand-eye coordination as well as reflex skills. Children can play this game with friends or family to make coin tossing more fun.

How to play:

  • Each person will receive 5 coins, used to toss into a cup placed nearby
  • Have your baby stand 2-3 steps away from the cup
  • Children will throw each coin into the cup
  • When all the coins are thrown, the person with the most coins falling into the cup is the winner.

If the baby is too young, parents can practice letting them hold coins and drop them at a close distance

If your baby is too young and his hand movements are not yet perfect, you should replace coins with large objects that are easy to hold such as ping pong balls or marbles.

Play mini bowling

Bowling is an active game for children aged 0-3 years old that is easy to prepare and loved by many children. Parents can prepare hollow plastic chews and a small plastic ball (can use a tennis ball) to play. You will use tape to create a bowling alley. Depending on your child's height, determine how far the lane needs to be pulled. Then arrange the plastic bottles in a horizontal row at the end of the play path, and let the children use the ball to knock all the bottles down.

Bowling not only helps increase whole-body movement but also develops fine motor skills

If parents want to further stimulate fine motor development in their children's fingers, they can buy them a Bowling Table . The product has extremely beautiful and precise balls, and also integrates both ball and player, which will definitely bring your baby the most interesting hours of entertainment.

Imitate the leader's actions

To play this exercise game for children aged 0-3 years old , parents will help their children prepare a list of activities that can be done. Children will be assigned to perform those movements or parents can ask their children to follow their activities.

When you start playing, you can designate yourself as the leader, or let the children take turns being the leader. The remaining people will have to do what the leader does: nod, clap, hop, spin around, rub their heads... The children all enjoy this game extremely much.

Pick up game

Children aged 0-3 are extremely curious about everything around them. Parents can let their children participate in movement games for children aged 0-3 years : picking up objects to help children identify objects, their colors and stimulate children's memory ability.

You need to prepare a basin or a carton, then put a variety of objects in it. Note, objects should not have sharp edges to avoid injuring your child. If parents want to ensure the safety of their children but still increase the amount of exercise, they can use the Giraffe Ball Picking Machine . This product helps your child compete in catching balls with the whole family. The colorful balls inside will also stimulate your child's vision.

The fetching game is loved by many children and is extremely easy to prepare

Above are movement games for children from 0-3 years old . Practicing motor skills early will help your child be healthier and grow taller. At the same time, children also develop communication skills and cooperation skills when playing with people. You can spend time playing with your child to make him happier and more connected to his parents!