The unexpected benefits of role-playing toys for children's development

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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For young children, especially those of preschool and kindergarten age, toys are always close companions. It can be said that play is the life of children. Whether they are physical toys or intellectual toys , they always play an important role in helping children develop necessary skills.

Among all children's toys, themed role-playing toys are highly appreciated. According to expert Angela Uchoa Branco of the University of Brasilia, Brazil , "The importance of role-playing games for children's development is remarkable." So do parents know what role-playing games are? And how important are role-playing toys for children? Let's find out more in the article below!

What are role-playing games?

Pretend play is a children's play activity that imitates the actions of adults. This game plays an important role in children's play and development. For example, children can pretend to be a doctor to examine a doll or animal, pretend to be a mother taking care of a baby, or imitate their father in repairing things in the house...

To help children freely "role-play", many children's toy companies have produced as many realistic role-playing toys as possible. Therefore, parents can easily choose for their babies a variety of interesting role-play toys such as cooking toys, doctor toys, engineer toys, baby makeup toys...

The effects of role-playing games on children's development

In the early stages of life, children's need to learn and explore the world is very high. Children will often imitate what they observe from the people around them. At this time, role-playing games play a key role in children's development. Therefore, parents need to let their children participate in many interesting role-playing games to best stimulate children's curiosity and intellectual development.

Here are some great effects when parents let their children play with role-playing toys :

Develop language skills

The first benefit that role-playing toys bring is to help children develop language skills. When playing role-playing toys, children will come up with scenarios from real-life observations and create specific stories and conversations. Although, sometimes children really do not understand all of those stories, regular repetition will help children supplement their vocabulary and develop their language skills. Parents can participate with their children and explain to them better the meaning of the words they use.

Develop emotions and communication skills

A child's conversation and interaction with a role-playing toy demonstrates his or her desire for a friend. Through that, children will form emotions, love, and sharing. This is very useful for shy children, allowing them to freely express their emotions with imaginary friends they create.

Practice self-control

Self-control or autonomy is extremely important for children's development. This is also a great benefit children will learn when playing with pretend toys. During play, children will put themselves into a specific character, think, act, and behave like that character.

Studies show that children who play role-playing toys have very good self-control, especially role-playing games with superheroes and superheroes... Therefore, parents should create favorable conditions. Let children play role-playing with more diverse topics!

Improve problem solving skills

Role-playing games require children to face and handle situations on their own. Usually these situations come from things children observe. Therefore, the way children handle things will be similar to what adults deal with in reality. Although children do not always take the right actions, this process will help improve their ability to handle problems, helping them to be better prepared before entering real life outside.

Enhance thinking ability

The "learning through play" method is highly appreciated because it helps children learn naturally and effectively. Role-playing games are similar. Therefore, to help children absorb knowledge easily, parents can integrate it into daily games. For example, using convenient supermarket toys , let your child pretend to be a salesperson to help them count, learn addition and subtraction, and classify different items...

Brings hours of exciting fun

Role-playing toys are not only very useful in intellectual development but also bring joy and excitement to children. Children will "role-play" to freely express their desires, avoid stress and discomfort and feel happier and more excited.

Tighten the bond between family members

Another extremely practical benefit that role-play toys bring is family bonding. Parents participating in playing with their children will help everyone understand and love each other better. At the same time, parents will promptly guide and explain to children when faced with complicated situations.

With the information shared above, parents surely understand what role-playing games are as well as the benefits of letting their children play with role-playing toys . Currently on the market there are many role-playing toys for children with a variety of attractive themes. However, to avoid buying fake or poor quality counterfeit goods, parents should choose reputable children's toy stores.

At Mykingdom, besides intellectual toys, role-playing toys are very popular with many themes such as kitchen utensil toys, engineer practice toys, magician toys ,makeup toys for children. baby ... All products come from famous brands in the world, meeting all strict standards for toy safety. In addition, Mykingdom regularly offers attractive promotions to help parents buy branded toys for children at extremely preferential prices.

Parents, please immediately visit the website of Mykingdom Toy Kingdom at: to choose from many attractive toy products for your children!