Games for fathers and children at home with beans

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Preparing games for dads and children is super simple with easy-to-find and super cheap ingredients. These games, in addition to developing soft skills, also lay the foundation for children's thinking and computing ability. Join us to discover what those games are.

Drag the correct number of beans into the box


  • 1 sheet of cardboard
  • 1 large spoon
  • 1 bag of red beans (you can use larger beans if desired)
  • Markers


Dad needs to use a felt-tip pen to draw 4-5 circles on both sides of both ends of the cardboard

Number each box from 1-5 (can be numbered haphazardly if your child is old enough and familiar with numbers)

Pour beans into the center of the cardboard

Let's start the game for dad and baby

The baby and dad will sit facing each other, with a cardboard box in the middle. After calling 3…2…1, both of them use spoons to pull out the number of beans corresponding to the number in each box. The person who pulls the correct number of beans into the box the fastest is the winner.

The gameplay is extremely simple, your baby will definitely have fun

This game will help the relationship between father and child become more intimate. Children also learn how to count numbers and develop reflexes to have a higher chance of winning. Furthermore, the way your baby pulls the beans back into the box without splashing them out also helps them perfect their fine motor skills and control their hands. For the next time you play, to increase the difficulty, you can increase the number up to dozens.

Game for fathers and children: Paste the beans

Prepare material

– 2-3 sheets of A4 paper

- 2-sided adhesive tape

– 1 bag of black beans

How to play

Dad will stick double-sided tape on the paper in certain shapes such as triangles, numbers, houses... Then, both dad and baby will choose a piece of paper with the image they like and peel off the tape at the bottom. on out. Pick up each bean ball and stick it on the double-sided tape on the paper so that the bean covers the surface of the pre-glued image. Whoever pastes them faster and more beautifully will be the winner in this extremely interesting game.

Parents can use any type of seeds in the house

Parents can also make this game more interesting by instructing their children to apply double-sided tape in the desired shape. If the bean is attached to a shape that your child likes, your child will definitely be more excited to participate in the game.

Game "lock beans" in a circle

Prepare a large sheet of paper, size from A2 - A1. Dad will spread peanuts or other beans of similar size on the paper. Next, the baby will hold the pen and sit and listen to dad's voice commands. Every time dad shouts a number like: 5, 3, 1..., the baby will quickly use a pen to circle the exact number of beans that was just shouted, "locking" the beans in the circle.

This game requires no preparation and is extremely simple to play. This game for fathers and children is an extremely effective method for children to practice counting, increase observation and reflexes.

The faster you shout, the more excited your baby will be

What benefits do the games above bring?

Games for fathers and children suggested by Mykingdom will increase the time for fathers to accompany their babies, helping to strengthen the relationship between father and child. Your baby will be extremely happy when he plays with his dad. Not stopping there, the games above are also extremely useful in your child's math learning journey.

Mathematics is a very important subject and brings many benefits in the process of developing thinking and calculating ability. Many parents want their children to learn Math early so they don't lag behind their peers. However, children are hyperactive and have poor concentration, so it will be difficult for them to sit at their desks. Therefore, learning while playing will be an extremely effective measure.

Fathers are not good at expressing emotions and do not know how to get along with a growing child. Therefore, games for fathers and children will be an emotional bridge for both. Through this, dad will better understand his child's interests and needs. The baby also understands more about his father's love for him. Don't forget to visit Mykingdom's Handbook section to learn more parenting tips.