Science proves: The more children love dinosaurs, the higher their IQ

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Khoa học chứng minh: Trẻ nhỏ càng mê khủng long, IQ càng cao


Dinosaurs are considered one of a child's familiar childhood friends. There are many children who have a special love for the world of dinosaurs. So much so that they want to play, eat and sleep in a room full of dinosaurs. Some children can even recite all the names of each dinosaur species, while this is not easy even for adults. So what are the benefits of children loving dinosaurs besides entertainment? Parents, please refer to the article below!

The more children have a passion for dinosaurs, the more their IQ develops

Did you know that, in terms of psychology, having knowledge in a certain field as a child is called "intense interests?"

However, in reality only about 1/3 of children in the world can maintain and develop this intense interest throughout their lives. It can be any interest in life like dinosaurs, astronomy or anything else. This interest is most clearly expressed from the age of 2 to 6 years old and will gradually fade over time. In some cases, children retain this interest and it becomes an important part of their lives.

According to a study conducted at Indiana and Wisconsin Universities, children who have a strong interest in a certain field will have developed intelligence and better resourcefulness in the future. Indiana University researcher Joyce M. Alexander and her research team have found that this particular interest has the ability to "increase persistence, improve attention, and enhance skills complex thinking when processing information".

Smart children's passion for dinosaurs is not a temporary distraction

Alexander also makes a clear distinction between “conceptual interests” and “situational interests,” meaning long-term interests or just temporary interests. For example, a child paying attention to the powerful roar of a dinosaur in the moment (situational benefit) is completely different from taking the initiative to learn about and care about dinosaurs (conceptual benefit). ).

Conceptual benefits help children improve their language skills and demonstrate understanding of issues they care about. Psychologists also explain that when children study dinosaurs, they will be trained and develop strategic thinking and problem-solving ability. This helps children build confidence, creating a foundation for future success.

Children's passion for dinosaurs hardly lasts long

Researchers at Yale and Virginia Universities also found that children's intense interests are not the result of their parents. From children's interests in dinosaurs to astronomy in childhood, everything is spontaneous and parents are not the ones to lead or give advice for children to follow.

However, this special hobby of children only lasts from 6 months to 3 years. Only about 20% of children can keep their childhood passion after going to school. This is because when children go to school, they will not have much time for personal interests. Instead of pursuing passion, children are filled with new lessons and knowledge. Besides, many children also tend to limit expressing their interests if the people around them do not pay attention or really discuss the topic they are interested in.

In addition, the approach to preferences is also one of the factors that makes the effectiveness different for each subject. According to Alexander's analysis, although both boys and girls have relatively similar interests and focus. But boys tend to develop stronger passions than girls. This is mainly because boys are more actively seeking information about their interests than girls.

How can parents foster their children's passion for dinosaurs?

Many people ignore or do not pay much attention to children's interests in childhood. However, with the above scientific research, parents need to pay attention and try to foster their children's passion. It is not simply a hobby but also partly reflects the child's direction and future. Accordingly, parents should create conditions for their children to have fun and truly "live" their passion for dinosaurs from an early age.

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