Check out the benefits of cycling for children

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Điểm danh những lợi ích của việc đi xe đạp đối với trẻ nhỏ


Cycling is one of the healthy activities loved by both adults and children. This activity not only brings joy and helps improve health but also brings many other great benefits.

Currently, on the market there are many types of bicycles with a variety of designs and models produced by many different brands. Therefore, it is not difficult for parents to choose children's bicycles suitable for each age and interest as a gift for their children.

Let's find out in this article the benefits of cycling for children.

Good for heart and muscle health

When children cycle regularly, the leg muscles are exercised, the heart rate increases, helping the body's endurance increase. That's why the first benefits of cycling that can be mentioned are good for cardiovascular health and muscle growth.

Let children ride bicycles to stabilize their weight

Childhood obesity is increasing due to a sedentary lifestyle and frequent exposure to electronic devices. Cycling is also one of the great exercises for children to reach their ideal weight. Therefore, parents can let their children ride a bike every day to increase exercise and stabilize their body weight.

Children riding a bike helps reduce stress and has a happy spirit

Parents should let their children ride bicycles after busy hours at school. The benefits of cycling also help children feel more excited and happier. Anxiety and stress will disappear and children will be recharged when cycling.

The benefits of cycling help improve children's height

Scientific studies have shown that children who ride bicycles for 3-6 hours per week will have significantly improved height. During cycling, leg muscles will be continuously stretched. This means the development of the legs, helping the baby's height increase.

Children have the opportunity to explore the outside world

Cycling is a useful outdoor activity that is both good for health and helps children explore the world. Children will have the opportunity to observe and perceive the world around them such as roads, animals, objects, basic knowledge of traffic laws... This will stimulate brain development, helping children learn many new things.

Train your baby's patience

The benefits of cycling every day will create good habits for children. For children 2 years old and older, parents can let them get acquainted with children's bicycles. Start with balance bikes or bicycles with extra wheels to help your child feel excited and easily learn to ride. During the process of cycling, children will learn how to maintain balance and handle situations when encountering obstacles. From there, patience and the ability to react quickly will be formed.

Increase confidence and social communication

Cycling will help children function independently. Therefore, children will be more confident and comfortable when exposed to the outside environment. Furthermore, children also have the opportunity to communicate and interact with other children or people around them. This helps children connect, share and increase communication.

Bonding family affection

Parents should take time to have fun with their children, which could be riding a bike with them. This will help strengthen the bond between you and your child. Furthermore, cycling together will definitely leave beautiful memories, helping children feel happier and happier.

Notes when letting children ride bicycles

To ensure children ride bicycles safely, parents should pay attention to the following issues:

Choose children's bicycles suitable for their age

For different ages, there will be suitable bicycles. Therefore, parents should choose a children's bicycle that is suitable for their children so that they can easily get used to it and control it better.

Fully equipped with accessories

To ensure safety, parents need to fully equip their children with accessories when cycling such as helmets, knee protectors, gloves...

Cycling time is enough

Although the benefits of cycling for children are very good, parents should only give their children enough exercise. Especially for children with weak constitutions, overexertion can easily make them tired.

With the benefits of cycling for children mentioned above, children's bicycles are certainly an ideal suggestion that parents can give to their children.

At Mykingdom, each children's toy is carefully researched and designed to help children develop all senses, encourage children to actively play, be eager to learn, explore, and promote physical development. and thinking. Furthermore, the product quality is high-quality and certified to be safe for children, so parents can feel secure.

Come to the nearest Mykingdom store and visit the colorful booth of many active toys for children , including indispensable children's bicycle products with diverse designs, styles, and colors to match. Suitable for every age of baby!

For detailed information and how to order online, you can visit Mykingdom's website at: