Find out the unexpected benefits of musical toys for babies

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Tìm hiểu những lợi ích bất ngờ của đồ chơi phát nhạc cho bé


Scientists say that in the human brain there is an area dedicated to sound and music. This area plays an important function in thinking activities such as architecture, science, mathematics and art. In addition, music also increases neural connections, creating conditions for optimal development of the child's 100 billion neurons at birth.

Therefore, children who often play with toys that are musical instruments or toys that make sounds will bring many great benefits. So what are the specific benefits of music toys for babies? Parents, please refer to the following article.

Musical toys for babies help increase memory

Mothers can easily notice that when their baby plays with toys that make sounds, they will listen very attentively. This helps children's ability to receive and remember information significantly improve. Therefore, besides letting your baby listen to music regularly, parents can choose toys that play music for their baby such as a fun drum set with piano, a lion walker that plays music... to stimulate their baby's brain. Children develop best.

Toys that make sounds help children focus more

During the first years of life, the thing that attracts children's attention the most is sound and music. It can be the sound of footsteps, the sound of a car running, laughter, or music and songs coming from familiar toys such as strollers, crib hangers, stuffed animals that play music... Letting your baby play Toys that make sounds not only make your baby feel excited but also help increase visual, auditory and brain activity.

Toys that play music help children improve their motor skills

When playing with music toys, your baby will be extremely excited and perform movements such as dancing, swaying, and clapping to each beat of the music. This is an effective way for your baby to improve coordination between arms, legs and whole body. From there, your baby will develop flexible movement skills and improve physical strength.

Toys with music help children improve their ability to handle situations

Once your baby has memorized and become familiar with familiar sounds and songs, he or she will demonstrate his or her ability to handle situations. For example, the baby will be happy when there is music, stop crying when he hears footsteps, mother's call... These are familiar reflexes from the sounds that the baby has received. And these sounds will help your baby develop cognitive and thinking abilities from an early age.

Toys that play music for babies to develop intelligence

When it comes to the benefits of music toys, we definitely cannot ignore the positive support effect in children's intellectual development. Children who regularly come into contact with toys that make sounds and music will have language skills and quickly receive information.

While playing with music toys, your baby will coo along to each melody. From there, children will quickly learn to speak and develop intelligence every day. Furthermore, when listening to repetitive melodies, children also develop conditioned reflexes, increasing their memory and logical thinking abilities.

Musical toys help nurture an artistic soul

Musical toys for children are also considered a way to stimulate and nurture children's artistic souls. Parents can identify if their child is talented in this field and then have the best direction and education.

With the information in the article above, surely parents have understood the benefits that musical toys and music toys bring to babies. If parents want to buy toys with sounds or music for their babies, don't miss the reputable address Mykingdom Toy Kingdom.

All of Mykingdom's products are carefully researched and designed to be age-appropriate, guaranteed to be educational, helping to develop both your baby's thinking and physicality. In particular, toys at Mykingdom all have clear brands and origins and have passed strict quality standards to ensure high quality and safety.

To choose and buy genuine baby music toys with the latest designs and most attractive prices, parents can visit the website .