Check out the great benefits for children from intellectual board games

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
Điểm danh những lợi ích tuyệt vời cho bé từ các loại trò chơi cờ trí tuệ


The world of toys for children has countless options. Besides modern toys available on the market such as LEGO assembly, transportation toys, etc., board games for children always hold a strong position.

Some types of board games for children include chess, Chinese chess, seahorse chess, tic-tac-toe... These are not only simply entertaining games but also bring many great benefits. Great for stimulating children's creativity and intelligence. In reality, there are many excellent "child chess players" who have become great thinkers and strategists and have outstanding intelligence.

However, not all parents know the benefits of smart board games and choose them for their children to play. Join this article to learn more about the types of board games for children and the benefits of these games to decide which one to buy for your child.

Learn generally about different types of flags for children

Types of board games for children such as chess, seahorse chess, and checkers are all considered strategic games. They are modeled after ancient wars between countries to demonstrate strength and gain dominance. Players must apply strategic thinking and smart calculations to make moves to win.

Chess game

Chess, also known in English as Chess, is an intellectual board game that requires both skill and strategy. Nowadays, chess is not only loved by adults but has become quite a popular board game for children .

This chess game consists of two players, one black and one white. Each side will own 16 chess pieces, including 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 1 queen and 1 general (king).

The purpose of both sides is to find a way to move their pieces according to the rules of the game to take down the opponent's pieces and "checkmate" (capture the King) of the opponent to win.

Seahorse board game

Another interesting chess game for children that you should not miss is seahorse chess. This game has simple rules so it is suitable for all ages.

Seahorse chess can be played by 1 to 4 people, divided into red, blue, green, and yellow pieces. The number of moves of the pieces depends on the result of rolling the dice.

The goal of the parties is to move their pieces according to the results of the dice roll to reach the finish line fastest. Chess pieces must be placed in the correct positions in boxes 6, 5, 4, 3 on their chessboard.

Tic Tac Toe Game

The next board game for children that Mykingdom wants to introduce to parents is tic-tac-toe. The game is quite simple, easy to play but brings many benefits in developing your baby's intelligence.

The tic-tac-toe game consists of two players, requiring concentration and calculating moves to win. The winner is the person who creates a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line with 5 moves before the opponent.

Benefits of board games for children

Stimulates brain development

Some studies by German scientists have shown that professional chess players have equally developed brains in both the left and right hemispheres. Board games are not games that only require correct application of rules, but require mental exercise.

When your baby plays board games, the brain must work quickly and flexibly to make the correct moves. Therefore, board games for children help stimulate their brain development very well and effectively that parents should try.

Improve children's IQ

Don't think that these types of board games for children are only for smart children with developed intelligence. It is by letting your baby play and be exposed to these games that your child's IQ will improve. When your baby understands the rules of the game and applies his thinking, judgment, and calculation of moves to win, his IQ develops and he becomes smarter.

Promote children's creativity

Human creativity is concentrated in the right hemisphere of the brain. Therefore, when playing chess, both the left and right hemispheres of the brain are stimulated, so children will be able to open their imagination and creativity more effectively.

Improve memory

Playing board games for children regularly will help children improve their memory. Specifically, when your child plays, he or she will remember the chess pieces, moves, and playing style of each opponent. From there, apply flexibly and come up with strategies to take down your opponent's pieces as quickly as possible.

Good problem solving ability

Each game changes flexibly. Therefore, children also need to make wise and quick decisions before each chess position. This is very good for children's development, helping them solve problems more quickly and diversely.

Increase concentration

Board games for children require concentration to be able to follow each move of the opponent. Furthermore, children must continuously apply their thinking to calculate appropriate steps and strategies. This helps form children's habit of focusing on every issue in life to achieve the best results.

Form good strategic thinking

The ability to plan and develop thinking is concentrated in the cerebral cortex. Therefore, letting your baby play chess is also an effective way for your baby to develop his or her comprehensive brain. Children will develop comprehensive strategic thinking about problems that arise and handle them effectively.

It can be seen that board games for children bring many great benefits. Besides regular toys, parents should choose a suitable board game for their baby and spend time playing with them every day so they can learn and play at the same time.

At Mykingdom, each toy is carefully researched and designed to help children develop all senses, encourage children to actively play, be eager to learn and explore, always ensure absolute safety and promote Developing different aspects of children is encouraged by play, giving them a safe choice when promoting learning and development in children.

Come to your nearest Mykingdom store and visit the colorful booth of intellectual toys for children , including very interesting board games for children! For detailed information and how to order online, you can visit Mykingdom's website at: