Reasons why parents should choose puzzle toys for their babies

06.06.2023   BTV phuong.ngothikim
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Puzzle toys for babies are familiar toys for most children. But not everyone knows the benefits of puzzle games for children. Or where to buy safe and quality puzzle toys for children?

Join Mykingdom to learn about puzzle toys for children in the article below.

The benefits of smart puzzle games for children

Among countless children's toys, puzzle toys for children are considered the most classic games. Today, puzzle toys come in a variety of types and designs, but their essence remains the same. This toy is always the top choice of many parents because of the following great benefits:

Help children explore the world around them

Studies have shown that the world around them has a significant influence on children's brain development. And puzzle games play an important role in that mission. From puzzle pieces, children can arrange objects, animals, and complete landscape paintings. Thereby, your baby will learn and perceive the surrounding environment more directly and easily.

24-piece puzzle set - LOL Dolls - 20124880

Train your hands to be flexible and skillful

The most obvious benefit of smart puzzle games is that they help children move their hands flexibly and skillfully. During play, children must hold, grasp, rotate, flip, and assemble the puzzle pieces into each correct position. This motor skill is very good for your child's ability to hold a pen later.

Hand-eye coordination

Not only does it train dexterous hands, puzzle toys for children also require quick observation skills. Children must find the appropriate puzzle pieces to fill in the missing positions. This process is repeated to help children become proficient. Thanks to that, children's ability to observe and react is also improved.

Recognize and distinguish shapes and colors

Puzzle toys for children have eye-catching colors and diverse shapes. Regularly playing with this toy will help children form reflexes about colors and shapes. Your baby will recognize and distinguish between blue, red, yellow, orange... or what are squares, rectangles, circles, triangles...

48-piece puzzle set - Avenger - 6057491

Reasoning and thinking ability

The benefits of smart puzzle games also stimulate the brain to work, forming children's reasoning and thinking abilities. Thanks to that, children can identify which puzzle pieces have the right shape and color for a certain position. Parents can choose to buy puzzle toys for their children that range in difficulty from low to high to create excitement and improve children's thinking ability.

Stimulates creativity and imagination

Puzzle toys for babies also help children's intelligence and creativity develop. Children will visualize and imagine in their minds the shapes and models that they will assemble. From there, choose the appropriate pieces to create a complete work.

Practice patience and concentration

To complete an assembled model, children must have perseverance and concentration. At the beginning, playing may be a bit difficult, but gradually children will solve the details more quickly and accurately. When completing the assembly, children will feel more proud and confident in themselves. Therefore, parents, don't forget to give your children words of encouragement or praise at the right time.

24-piece puzzle set - Mickey Mouse - 6057486

Enhance communication and language development

Puzzle games can be played by many people. Children can play with their parents or friends. During play, children will learn how to play and work in groups. Furthermore, the interaction and discussion between players also helps children expand their vocabulary, helping them communicate better and bolder.

Help your baby stay away from electronic devices

Puzzle toys help children have hours of fun and interesting relaxation. Children will focus on completing their assembled work and forget about harmful electronic devices. Furthermore, this game is also a very good solution for children who are often overstimulated. Parents need to create a quiet play space for their children with games such as puzzles, assembly toys, and cloth books to help them perfect their skills and develop their emotions.

24-piece puzzle set - Paw Patrol Rescue Dog Team - 6057478

Where to buy puzzle toys for children?

The children's toy market is growing very strongly with many types and designs. However, besides quality toys, products of unknown origin and poor quality also appear widely, causing many parents to worry. Therefore, where to buy puzzle toys for children that are both quality and safe for children's health is a top concern because these items directly affect children's health.

If you're still wondering, Mykingdom Toy Kingdom is the perfect choice for you. At Mykingdom, each toy is carefully researched and designed to help children develop all senses, encourage children to actively play, be eager to learn, explore, and promote both physical and mental development. only. Furthermore, the quality of toys is certified to ensure absolute safety for children's skin and health, so parents can feel secure.

Depending on the age of the baby, parents choose suitable puzzle toys for their baby . Wooden puzzle toys for children are suitable for children aged 1-6 years old. These products often have simple details and eye-catching colors. High-quality plastic puzzle toys will have more details and more diverse themes, so they are very suitable for children aged 6-12 years old to freely explore and fully develop all skills.

Come to your nearest Mykingdom store and visit the colorful booth with many unique quality educational toys suitable for your baby!

For detailed information and how to order online, you can visit Mykingdom's website at: