Introducing 3 creative games for children 6 years and older

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
Giới thiệu 3 trò chơi sáng tạo dành cho trẻ 6 tuổi trở lên


Children's creativity is always limitless, from a child's perspective, everything is extremely new. Children aged 6 years and older have begun to have an awareness of this world. To prevent their children's thinking from becoming stereotyped, parents should let their children play creative games . This is a great method to develop both. your child's thinking and brain.

Decorate your bedroom with a lamp with creative motifs

Letting children design an item themselves is also an extremely attractive creative game. With the Style4Ever OFG180 Lava Lamp Design Set , children can both create a lamp in their own style and use the finished product as a decoration for the bedroom. Parents can also participate in the child's decoration process by suggesting patterns that their child can draw, and showing them colorful books and photos.