6 folk toys to make the Tet atmosphere more bustling

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
6 đồ chơi dân gian cho không khí Tết thêm nhộn nhịp


Folk toys not only help children feel more excited and happy during Tet, but also remind adults of happy childhood memories. Toys are also a great bridge between children in the neighborhood. Your baby will easily get to know and play with new friends when they have folk corner toys.

Paper kites

It can be said that kite flying is a game associated with the childhood of rural children. The kite in the past was just a single sheet of paper, glued to the kite frame with some cold rice, and was not as diverse in both image and color as it is today. Parents can make this traditional toy for their children at home using paper, creating interesting playtime for their children.


- 2 bamboo sticks have been sharpened and trimmed to remove chips to make the kite frame

- A2 paper or replace with old notebook paper/newspaper (you should choose the paper size suitable for your child)

- Fishing line and parachute line for kite flying are about 5m long

- 1 toilet paper core or 1 wooden stick to roll up the string

- Glue, scissors.


Cut a square measuring 40x40cm from paper. You can use a pen and ruler to measure accurately.

Cut 3-4 strips of string in various sizes such as 3x25cm, 4x60cm to make the tail of the kite. You will need 1-2 main tails on the tail of the kite, the rest are secondary tails on both sides of the kite.

Note: The kite's tail should not be too much to avoid putting pressure on the whole kite, making it unable to balance when in the sky.

After that, you just need to create a frame from bamboo slats and place it on the kite in a slightly curved cross shape and add a decorative tail and we have an extremely lovely folk toy . Children can roam with friends in the countryside, let the kite have enough wind and take off high.

Childhood kites carry memories of many generations

Food box office

O Quan Quan, also known as An Quan or O Quan, is a game that has been around for many generations and is very popular with children. This is a game with high strategy and calculation. Usually for 2 or more people. The ingredients to complete this folk toy are surprisingly simple: 1 piece of chalk and 50 stones, of which the 2 largest stones are placed in a semicircle on both sides.

You need a flat surface, you can choose the yard in front of your house and use chalk to draw a table of 5 squares, scattering 5 pebbles into each square. Each player will take turns picking up stones in any box and then divide them equally in the direction of the drawn board. In case the next box still has stones, the player will pick up the stones and continue dividing until the last stone. then stop.

In case the next cell of the last stone is empty, you will be able to take all the stones in the next cells, but if 2 consecutive cells are empty, the turn will belong to the opponent. The winner of this game is the one who eats more stones after taking the opponent's mandarins.

O Quan Quan is a strategy game, requiring players to calculate carefully

Spinning game

The famous spinning game was a folk toy for boys in the past. This game is organized as a competition, usually with 2 or more people and the more the merrier. The body of the spinner is crafted in two main shapes: bell shape and truncated cone shape.

The spinner will have a tab to wrap the string, mainly to create force for the spinner to rotate. Spinning rope is usually made from high-strength fibers (braided yarn, jute rope, wool rope, hemp rope or rope made of synthetic materials...). When making spinning tops for children, parents should pay attention to both the size of the string and the spinning top so that the baby can hold it easily. Children can compete with friends to see who can master the power of hitting the spinner, making it spin to the end.

Parents can make spinning tops for children to participate in this game

Capture the flag game

Capture the flag game is an extremely simple game for children. You just need to create this folk toy from small bamboo sticks with a paper flag attached to it. Next, insert the finished flag into a mound in the center of the large circle drawn previously. Then, you will divide the kids into teams with an equal number of players and assign numbers to each team.

Each turn of play, whichever number the game leader calls, that number will run up to capture the flag. Multiple numbers can be called at the same time. The team that can capture the flag for their own team without being captured by their opponents is the winning team. Capture the flag game not only helps children exercise but also improves their health, while helping them learn how to cooperate to win.

Capture the flag is an attractive fighting game that helps enhance motor skills

It's empty

If your baby is only 1 year old, you can still prepare a simple folk toy for him to play with during the traditional Tet holiday. The sound emitted from the drum will attract children's attention, they can sit and play with the drum themselves, stimulating observation and hearing. You can buy drumsticks from traditional craft villages or make them yourself from empty round boxes and beads. Mykingdom firmly believes that this toy will help make the whole family's Tet holiday more bustling.

Nowadays, drumsticks are very cheap and parents can buy them at grocery stores


A pair of stilts is a folk toy that is extremely familiar to children. The toy is made from bamboo sawed into short pieces of about 1.5m to 2.5m depending on the child's height. The bamboo stem will have a hole punched in the middle and a short piece of bamboo will be inserted for the player to stand on.

This game is often used to compete in folk festivals, requiring participants to have smooth hand-foot coordination as well as excellent balance.

Playing on stilts helps children increase their balance

Every spring when Tet comes, adults are busy preparing to make offerings and entertain guests, while the children will play with each other. The Tet atmosphere will definitely be more bustling with folk toys and don't forget to visit Mykingdom to buy genuine, multi-functional toys for your baby!