What day is November 20? Why should we be grateful to teachers?

20.02.2024   BTV dieu.tranthi
20/11 là ngày gì? Tại sao chúng ta nên tri ân nhà giáo?


What day is November 20 that makes students happily bring the freshest flowers to their teachers? Join Mykingdom to find out the origin of November 20.

What day is November 20? Why choose this day as Vietnamese Teachers' Day?

Vietnam Teachers' Day is a national celebration honoring the merits and achievements of teachers in educating, training and nurturing the young generation, making an important contribution to the country's development. This day is celebrated every year on November 20.

The reason November 20 was chosen as Vietnamese Teachers' Day originated from the Communist Party of Vietnam issuing Resolution No. 14-NQ/TW on promoting the movement of patriotic emulation and studying according to moral example. Ho Chi Minh.

What day is November 20? This is Vietnamese Teachers' Day

Then, on September 28, 1982, the Council of Ministers issued Decision No. 167-HDBT, which clearly stated: From now on every year, November 20 will be considered Vietnamese Teachers' Day. November 20 has become a day to celebrate and honor aunts and teachers in Vietnam. This is also an opportunity for the whole society to remember the merits and contributions of teachers, and to show respect and gratitude to them.

Meaning of November 20

Educators often encounter many challenges and pressures in the process of imparting knowledge and fostering ethics and skills to the young generation. They not only play the role of imparting knowledge but also guide, inspire and motivate students, supporting them to maximize their personal potential. Teachers also play the role of companions, teachers, mothers, and second fathers in each stage of our development and maturity.

Teachers play an important role in spreading knowledge to students

Vietnamese Teachers' Day is also an opportunity for the entire society to come together to express gratitude, respect and gratitude for the tireless dedication of teachers and teachers, to encourage the spirit and desire to teach. members continue to contribute to a better young generation.

Teachers make an extremely important contribution to the development of the country's preschools. They are the ones who educate, train and nurture the young generation both intellectually and morally. So November 20 is an occasion of gratitude, for students to feel more deeply about the efforts and enthusiasm that teachers have devoted to their students.

Show gratitude to teachers with gifts and fresh flower bouquets

Whether you have graduated or have worked for many years, when November 20 comes, we hope you will remember those who guided and steered the boat of knowledge, bringing valuable lessons from our childhood. still young. Don't forget to send deep gratitude to former teachers, telling about their success in teaching you to make teachers more confident and proud.

Meaningful November 20 flower patterns

Mykingdom will suggest you some meaningful November 20 flower designs to give as gifts.

LEGO Flowers - A beautiful bouquet of flowers filled with the heart of the giver

You can give a beautiful vase of chrysanthemums on Teacher's Day

Making paper chrysanthemums yourself is also extremely simple

Bright bouquets of roses will definitely make the teacher happier

Making clay flowers to give to teachers is both meaningful and simple

A book clip made from dried flowers for November 20 is also a great idea

So you know what day November 20 is and why people celebrate this holiday every year. Today we have officially entered November and November 20 is almost here. You should think about gifts early to choose the most satisfactory and suitable gift for your teacher!