How to develop fine motor skills in young children?

06.06.2023   BTV dieu.tranthi
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Fine motor movement is a type of movement involving small muscle groups, extremely important in a child's future development. So how does fine motor development develop through ages? How can we train children this skill at home? Let's explore the article to get answers to the above questions.

What is fine motor movement and the importance of this type of movement?

Each person's movement is divided into fine movement and gross movement. Normally, babies will master gross motor skills first, that is, activities related to large muscle groups such as balancing, rolling, crawling, crawling, walking... before starting to develop fine motor skills. While gross motor skills help children control the muscles of their arms and legs, fine motor skills help children control smaller muscle groups related to their fingers and hands.

Training fine motor skills is extremely important, playing an essential role in daily activities. If a child has slow fine motor development, it will be difficult for him or her to complete seemingly simple activities such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, holding a spoon to eat, etc. Mastering fine motor skills means that the child can independent and able to take care of themselves.

Children can brush their teeth on their own if their parents teach them from a young age

Training is a long process, because children can only remember when the movements are repeated enough. Parents need to learn about fine motor development milestones to help their children "go" faster on this journey. Along with the process of mastering fine motor skills, children are also stimulated with skills related to the senses. At the same time, your child's thinking and imagination are also gradually forming. This is the premise for children to explore phenomena in the world around them.

Learn about the milestones of fine motor development in children

After mastering gross activities, children will begin to imitate and perform fine motor skills. Through repetition, learning from adults, or exposure to many toys, many babies develop this skill from just a few months old. When children are in preschool, it is time for parents to participate in the process of practicing their children's fine motor skills. If you miss this stage, mastering fine motor skills will be much more difficult.

  • From 0 to 3 months old, children can develop fine motor skills through simple movements such as bringing their hand to their mouth.

  • From 3 to 6 months of age, the level of complexity gradually increases as children can grasp and shake objects with both hands, or pass objects from one hand to the other. Mothers can practice by giving their baby's hand to hold, this also helps the baby get used to the mother's warmth and feel safe.

  • From 6 to 9 months old, children can now pinch their fingers to pull, clap their hands, pick up food into their mouths, or use both hands to pick up toys.

  • At the age of 9 - 12 months, children can hold toys with one hand, using their thumb and index finger to point at objects. Furthermore, children can use both hands to bang objects together.

  • From 1 to 2 years old, most children can stack objects on top of each other or use a pen to draw squiggly lines on paper. If there is support and guidance from parents. Your baby can now feed himself with a spoon.

  • At 2 - 3 years old, children who develop their fine motor skills with their parents will know how to scrub their hands, feed themselves, and many children can even disassemble and assemble simple toys. Parents can support the strong development of fine motor skills at this stage by letting their children play with Lego Duplo sets.

Play with your child with Lego Duplo to develop fine motor skills

  • At 3 - 4 years old, children can complete personal activities on their own such as dressing themselves and cleaning up their toys. Many children can also use scissors to cut paper and draw objects with little detail. Parents should buy their children notebooks and colored pens to let them be creative and practice the flexibility of their fingers.

Notebooks and colored pens will be great assistants for parents

  • From 5 to 7 years old, entering elementary school, children can write and color according to available pictures quickly, and their memory ability also develops more.

Instructions for developing fine motor skills in children

The rate of fine motor development in each child is different. Therefore, parents should create conditions to promote fine motor skills in daily life. Here are some activities parents can do with their children:

While eating, parents should let children stir, mix food or arrange objects on the table as desired. Many parents are afraid to clean up so they keep feeding their children over and over again, which will slow down the process of mastering their children's skills. In addition, parents can teach children how to open a bottle cap, pour water, how to hold a glass of water to drink, or how to hold a pen and draw simple pictures with little detail so that children can gradually get used to using groups. small muscle.

Letting your child play with toys is also a good way to stimulate fine motor development. The toys you should have are clay toys, slime, assembly toys... Note, parents should encourage their children to arrange their own toys in the box after finishing playing. This not only supports skill development but also teaches children to appreciate toys and increase their sense of responsibility.

Assembled toys help children entertain and develop fine motor skills

Fine motor skills play a very important role in determining your child's ability to take care of himself. Therefore, parents should participate in the training process so that children can develop fine motor skills in the first years of life.